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The paddle tournament takes place at the Racket Sport Centre in Graz. A total of 16 teams will compete against each other in the mixed advanced format. The event is organised by PADELZONE Graz, which is a well-known institution in the region's sporting landscape. The tournament schedule includes four matches for each pair, which will be played from 17:00 to 23:00 on 17 January 2025. Registration is open until 15 January 2025 and the entry fee is 35 euros per person. In addition to the sporting activities, there will be a culinary accompaniment, which is included in the entry fee. Participants and spectators can enjoy homemade paella, nachos and a welcome sangria. Christian Grasgruber is the contact person for any queries.

Category: Tournament
Level: Advanced
17.01.2025 17:00 17.01.2025 23:00
Price: 35 EUR

Link to registration:

Registration / Login

Ragnitzstraße 58b, 8047 Graz, Austria


  • Company:Padel Association Austria
  • Address:Calvary Belt 32
  • POSTCODE:8020
  • City:Graz
  • Land:Austria
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Padel Map Tournaments Single [26]