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GPS 100 Men - EARLY BIRD - by padelBOX Weiden
The paddle tournament "GPS 100 Men - EARLY BIRD" will take place on 17 January 2025 in the padelBOX Cologne-Weiden. The organiser, the padelBOX tournament management, is organising this event as part of the GPS Series. A total of eight teams will compete to collect national points in the DPV ranking. The participation fee is 35 euros per person and is paid directly when registering via Rankedin with the provider STRIPE. Participants must have a DPV player's licence and register as a complete team. The game mode is designed as a knockout system with a side round, so that each team plays at least two matches. The winners of the tournament will receive credit for their next booking: 30 euros for first place and 15 euros for second place. If you have any questions, please contact the tournament organisers via RankedIn or by e-mail.
Level: Beginners, Advanced
Price: 35 EUR
Link to registration:
Registration / Login
Kronstädter Str. 100, Cologne, Germany
- Company:Padel Association Germany
- Address:Havighorster Weg 16
- POSTCODE:21031
- City:Hamburg
- Land:Germany