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GPS 50 men/women by padelBOX Weiden

The GPS 50 men's/women's tournament will take place in the padelBOX Köln-Weiden. A total of eight teams will play in the two categories. The event is organised by the padelBOX tournament management. The tournament starts at 18:00 and ends at 22:00. Each team pays a participation fee of €35, which is paid in advance via Rankedin. The winning teams will receive credit for future court bookings. Registrations are only possible as a complete team and will be accepted on a first come, first served basis. If you have any questions, please contact the tournament organisers via RankedIn or by email.

Category: Tournament
Level: Beginners, Advanced
11.01.2025 18:00 11.01.2025 22:00
Price: 35 EUR

Link to registration:

Registration / Login

Kronstädter Str. 100, Cologne, Germany


  • Company:Padel Association Germany
  • Address:Havighorster Weg 16
  • POSTCODE:21031
  • City:Hamburg
  • Land:Germany
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Padel Map Tournaments Single [26]