Open letter to the DPV – English version

Dear Mr. van Dahle,

On the website of the German Padel Association (DPV) you refer yourself as the president.

Based on the fact that the DPV does not reply to e-mails on a regular base, we (as DPV members) now choose the path of an “Open Letter”.


Specifically, we would like to ask for your opinion on the following procedure:

Mr. Darek Nowicki, the most successful German Padel player up to now, has been officially invited by Willy Lahoz (Padel Profi – Captain Team Europe) to be the representative of German Padel sports to the Euro America Padel Cup from 4 to 6 July in Estoril.

Instead of reasing or congratulating and supporting the player, you have called the organisers (we have several testimonies to this) and stated that Mr. Nowicki has been blocked by the DPV for all Padel events. A very unsportsmanlike step and also counterproductive for the development of German Padel sports at all.

In addition to that, we are not aware of any suspension of the player Darek Nowicki, or any other Padel player here in Germany.


As regular members of the DPV, we therefore ask you to explain the following:


1) How do you feel empowered to speak for the DPV (as President)?

According to the current register of associations of 21 June 2019, you do not even belong to the board of the DPV (here a comparison of the data of the association register in Cologne with those of the DPV website).


2) When and how has been Mr Nowicki blocked by the DPV?

Such a ban cannot be imposed arbitrarily and should have been decided at a general meeting or at least presented there. Not a single general meeting since 2010 has a corresponding notice. Furthermore, the player should have been informed about this and also listened to. Again, this has not been done. So what are you referring to when you talk about a player’s suspension?


We look forward to your immediate response.

  • TC Niddapark
  • David Ernsting
  • Dirk Jungels


–> The signatories are all full members of the DPV


Appendix: Current Register of Associations Extract – VR 16389 at the District Court of Cologne – 21 June 2019


Deutscher Padel Verband VR 16389+Aktueller Abdruck 21. Juni 2019

Deutscher Padel Verband VR 16389+Aktueller Abdruck 21. Juni 2019



Hinweis der Redaktion:

In Kürze werden wir auch noch einen ausführlichen Artikel über die Mitgliederversammlung des DPV am 19.05.2019  in Hamburg veröffentlichen.


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